If you are looking into the world of fantasy, you will want to see beyond the concept of non-fiction and educational materials. While some fantasy will be based around science or science fiction, the main elements will...

Publishing your own book is one of the greatest thrills that you can ever experience. When you are a writer, which you probably are if you are reading this article, then will understand what I mean. When...

It's no secret that Horror books are booming again. Thanks to authors like Edward Lee, Brian Keene, James Wrath and many others we're seeing a surge in the industry not seen in years. Some claim the new...

An interesting outcome of this thrust on publishing is the new phenomenon is the emergence of a new readership. In order to embrace the growing number of readers from different age groups many publishing houses have gone...

The two dimensional art form of cartoon is normally an unrealistic drawing used for caricature, satire or humor. The term has been in used to identify the preparatory drawings made for drawings such as frescoes during the...

You are about to embark on the most exciting enterprise of your life -- publishing a cook book! You will soon learn that writing a cook book is truly a fun, exciting and challenging project - more...

Have you ever wandered into a book store and looked at all the books wondering how they go there? Maybe you are an up and coming author who sees those books on the shelves and you want...

Any list of classic books will include some of the world's most popular novels, but the short story and the novella should also be included. Popular classics of the English language cover different genres, are from different eras and...

The thrilling aspects lie in the themes that are mainly non-stop action, uncertain circumstances, terrifying suspense, and the super natural characters. All these make the best thrillers. It is sometime difficult to choose the one which is...
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